Instruction Models

  1. What are the models of scheduling?
    1. TCS
    2. TCS lab
    3. NDS
    4. OCS
    5. CLS -  "typically" in the cls flexibly scheduled library I am working with about three classes ( 3-4 hours) a day on anything from library skills, research, tech/computer direct instruction or support.  the other times are filled with library/computer lab management and one-on one student help
  2. What assessment tools are being used?
    1. Trails Online Assesment Tool
    2. GWRSD Reading Competencies
    3. State Glog Project and Rubric
  3. What does the literature say?
    1. Most of the literature supports flexible scheduling as optimal, as it provides opportunities for collaboration and indepth study.  Students can gain understanding at the point of need and have the time and flexibility to apply and analyze the information.  However, I found an article that while reinforcing the value of a flex schedule, states that a fixed schedule can work if the media specialist  develops partnerships with classroom teachers who will work to extend the concepts of information literacy.

  1. How does this effect the role of the library media specialist? 
    1. What do we do?
        My perceptions are:

  • Sometimes classes are dropped off to provide teachers with planning time
  • Skills taught in isolation are not transferable
  • Will students be able to apply information, communication and technology skills in other setting?
I was overly ambitious to take on this research as well as my initial action research while moving into a new LMC.  I will continue to work through this information problem and collect data to support or verify my perceptions.

1 comment:

  1. Karen -- I think that the role of media specialist does need to grow to include technology integrator. I see these two jobs so closely intertwined, it would be difficult to separate them! Patti
